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The worship culture of gods and ghosts in the plateau of Northern Shaanxi

In order to survive, they have created many splendid civilizations in the practice of labor life, including many religious cultures in the process of people's struggle with nature and society. People in Northern Shaanxi are fond of gods and ghosts. Among them, the religious worship culture integrated with heaven and earth gods and ghosts has increasingly profound impact on people's material and cultural life, which is worthy of careful study and guidance to serve the economic and social development.

1. Revere gods

Reverence for gods is an important part of the religious culture of Northern Shaanxi people. If we say that the culture of gods and ghosts itself is people's illusory understanding of the unknown world of nature under the condition of underdeveloped material culture, then the extremely harsh natural ecological environment of the Northern Shaanxi plateau makes the ideological culture of awe of the world of gods and ghosts penetrate into people's spiritual world more deeply, and sort out some living phenomena in general

——Usually worship God. People in Northern Shaanxi believe that gods and gods are everywhere. As long as you sincerely respect God, no matter who you are, no matter where you are or what you do, you can get the protection of gods and gods. In the vast rural areas, from ancient times to the present, people are always inseparable from the worship of gods in their daily life. To the God of earth. Most of them built earth God kilns above the kiln surface legs. Some even if they live in earthen kilns, they have to dig a tushen kiln. They usually put on incense sticks and burn some paper from time to time in order to pray for the blessing of the earth God. When they come to work in the spring to plow the fields, to cut the wheat in summer, and to store the grain in autumn and winter, they never forget to give incense to the God of the earth. They are not only begging for God's help, but also thanking God for the good harvest. To the kitchen god. Some devout women in Northern Shaanxi put a bowl of rice noodles in the indoor pot near the kiln surface all the year round, and sometimes put root incense on it, hoping that the kitchen god would bless the whole family with delicious drinks throughout the year. If it's a new year's festival or a child's full moon or a hundred days of family food, you must first offer a portion to the kitchen god to thank him for his kindness. Go to the market, meet the meeting, incense in the temple. In Northern Shaanxi, there are always farmer's fairs every five to ten or three to seven. In addition to buying things at the fairs, people can't help but go to the temples near the fairs to burn incense and kowtow. People in Northern Shaanxi often say, "it's not strange that people are more polite." Maybe people believe that the same is true of gods and gods. We should respect gods and gods from time to time. We should not be afraid of trouble or hard work. As long as we are sincere, God's hometown will protect the safety and prosperity of our family and our family. Therefore, as long as there is time and opportunity, people will not forget to enter the temple, worship the gods, kowtow and make a wish.

——Sick and godly. It is a very common and important activity for farmers in Northern Shaanxi to ward off evil spirits and ward off epidemic diseases. One day, a family suddenly had a serious illness, that is, the "fatal eight points" disease. When the family members rushed to send the patient to the county and other large hospitals for emergency, the old people at home were in a hurry to pray to the God's hometown in the temple nearby. In the case of a serious disaster and serious illness in their families, the suffering parents always doubt where their home has offended the gods and gods. They must burn incense and kowtow to beg for forgiveness and make a wish to the gods and gods. If their serious illness can be cured, they must turn back and thank God's hometown. As a result, we can often see that the worshippers in the Temple line up in a long line, and the people who enter the hall kneel on the ground. After a series of burning incense, kowtow and endless vows, they slowly stand up, fold their hands together again, bow deeply, and step by step, and then exit the temple door. At this time, the men went out of the temple, squatted on the ground and smoked dry cigarettes to calm the tense mood. The women followed the men to tidy up their headscarves, patted the soil on their bodies, and lifted the corners of their clothes to wipe away the devout tears from worshipping God. At this time, the woman, like the man, took a breath and murmured, "why don't you know what's wrong with Erge's disease?"

——Festival worship. In the important festivals in Northern Shaanxi, people not only eat well and wear new clothes, but also hold a variety of spiritual and cultural activities. Among them, people's worship of gods and gods is the most obvious, complete and thorough. For example, storytelling invites God. The traditional storytellers in Northern Shaanxi should ask God's blessing before the opening of important festivals, when they are invited by their families to tell stories, at large temple fairs, at the end of the year, when storytelling begins in the new year, or when they hold mass storytelling activities on important occasions. In the old society, blind artists suffered from blindness since childhood, and their fate was extremely rough. They thought that it was the gods who helped them master the storytelling skills of eating and living. Therefore, they were always careful to serve the gods in their hearts. When they were important in storytelling and performing, they could not forget to ask God for help. For example, Yangko please God. When a natural village or town starts Yangko in Spring Festival and other important activities, it must first go to the local temple and report to the gods and gods. When they came to the village, they told the God that they had to kneel down to the gods. After such a ceremony, the village officially began to make Yangko "Ye Menzi". It should be pointed out that, like storytellers, the "blowing hands" group, like storytellers, must also invite gods to worship God on New Year's and festivals. As for how to respect, they respect the God's hometown who controls their fate according to the characteristics of the industry. For example, to worship God. In Jiaxian County of Yulin County and sanchuankou area of Zizhou County in Northern Shaanxi, people take advantage of winter leisure, especially in the first month of Spring Festival, to hold grand "Daojiao" sacrificial activities. According to folk custom experts in Northern Shaanxi, "Jiao" means offering sacrifices to gods. Its original purpose is to express gratitude to the gods for their protection or pray for peace. This kind of folk sacrificial activity, which combines praying for gods and rewarding grace and offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods, is a typical reflection of people's worship and worship of gods in Northern Shaanxi. After the end of the festival in the daytime, people enter the activity of turning nine tunes (commonly known as "Zhuandeng") at night. In essence, it is also a folk activity in which ordinary people expel evil spirits, eliminate disasters and avoid difficulties, and pray for a bumper harvest, health and peace in a year. When the lamp is turned on, the Taoist and artistic personnel hold up the Sutra flag to lead the way. When entering the caimen gate, the entrance of the palace, and the atrium, they should stop to sing Yangko to praise the gods and thank the gods. The villagers followed the Yangko team, shuttling back and forth in the lantern array. The people who turn the lamp are happy, respectful, nervous and excited. Although the light field is extremely cold, their hearts are hot, their eyes are bright, and their feet are fast. They are afraid of falling behind or straying.

In addition, in the festival, people in Northern Shaanxi have the custom of worshiping their ancestors. The essence of the custom is to pray for the ancestors' gods to protect their younger brothers' peace, health and prosperity. In addition, during the Spring Festival, every family should stick up red couplets and hang red lanterns to welcome the Spring Festival with joy, joy and auspiciousness. In addition to putting up couplets and window decorations on doors, windows and lattice, people also put up short red stickers, such as rice and noodles, eating and drinking, clothes full, drinking water, Qinglong Daji, Liuhuo prosperity, etc. in grain hoards, pot tops, boxes, water tanks, mills and livestock sheds in the yard, in order to protect the farmers' families from food and clothing throughout the year No disaster, no disease, peace and happiness.

2. Exorcism

Gods and ghosts are related. In the secular religious thoughts of the people in Northern Shaanxi on the Loess Plateau, if it is said that worshiping gods and gods is devout and enthusiastic, it is tense and afraid to expel ghosts and gods. Sometimes it is cursed, gnashing one's teeth, killing and burning. The thinking activities, psychological reactions and behaviors in life of this spiritual world are very unique and have strong regional characteristics.

——Please exorcise the spirits. Witchcraft, from "work" to "man", means to communicate the will of heaven and earth, to reach heaven and earth, and to meet people's expectations. It contains the dream of ancestors that people can communicate with heaven and earth. In the folk, the ancients believed that witches could communicate with gods and spirits, and could mobilize the power of ghosts and gods to relieve disasters and bring good fortune for people, such as God descending, prophecy, praying for rain, curing diseases, and so on. In the rural areas of Northern Shaanxi, witches mainly exist in religious activities where people expel ghosts when they are ill and beg for the blessing of gods. Usually, the most common is when someone is seriously ill, or bedridden for a long time, or mentally ill, or has not been cured after hospital treatment. That is, when people are helpless in front of the disease, they think it is the role played by ghosts and gods on the patients. It is necessary to ask the witches who can communicate with heaven and earth to expel ghosts and eliminate disasters and diseases. In the 1970s, the rural people's communes opposed to feudal superstition, but the helpless villagers still secretly asked the so-called witches to see doctors on their backs. We remember that at that time, there was a very famous wizard in damiogou village of Ge Laoshe commune in Zhoujia. Because of his disorderly life, he lived in poverty, and his people looked like ghosts and spirits. Villagers called him "naive and vigorous". This man has a high level of understanding. He doesn't know that a certain month or a year suddenly possessed ghosts and spirits. He has learned how to exorcise ghosts and see doctors for others. He is very comfortable among the villagers around him. It is said that the commune cadres or the militia tried to arrest him many times, but because some people believed in him, they tried every possible means to protect him. After the reform and opening up in the 1980s, it was not known how it practiced medicine.

In fact, when we look at the masses in remote minority areas, they also have a cultural tradition of driving away ghosts and fearing monsters. The most typical example is qunai's Buddhist activities. Almost all Tibetans believe in religion. They closely connect people with Buddha, people with gods and ghosts. We often see in the variety shows of the Mongolian and Tibetan Nationalities that when they dance in large-scale festivals, they usually wear black faced and fanged ghosts and gods masks and dance with their hands. The purpose is to drive away ghosts and gods with gods and ghosts. People in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi have a long history of respecting, worshiping and believing in Buddhism. Influenced by the northern Mongolian yellow religion culture, folk villages have a long history of using witch doctors and gods to exorcise ghosts and treat diseases. That is a way for working people to fight against ghosts and gods in the face of diseases.

——Send away ghosts and gods. The elderly and children in the family have headache, cold and fever, psychological difficulty, and often sleep hysteria and nightmares. The old people think that this is caused by demons and ghosts, and the patient's soul is temporarily separated. As a result, I do not know when, the elderly women in the family began to use the method of asking God to exorcise ghosts for the elderly and children. Draw a big circle on the road at the bottom of the ditch, put some food, burn some yellow watch paper, start to recite some incantations, and then turn around in three steps and call out the patient's name "back!" Followed by another woman or child, shouting "back." It means to bring back the soul of the patient from the wild. When the spirit was called back home, the spirit of the forerunner ghost was calmed down. The woman who called the soul said, "how can you eat and drink? You should get up quickly and find another home!" After some etiquette forms, he finally invited the ghosts out of the house and sent them to the bottom of the slope, and then gave the patients some more boiled water, or got some "native medicine" to drink on credit, and then made some delicious food. After a few days, the condition improved and people could go to work in the field. It is an important method to treat diseases caused by non trauma in the rural areas of Northern Shaanxi, and psychological comfort is of great importance. For example, a person always has nightmares and nightmares, which is not only a manifestation of weak physical fitness, but also the result of long-term mental tension and uneasiness. After a series of strangers, the patients get psychological comfort and psychological hints, coupled with life care, people often do not sleep nightmares or have nightmares. According to people's words, ghosts are expelled, the soul comes back to settle down, and people return to the normal state of life.

——Smoke and fire to drive away ghosts. Gods and ghosts are afraid of fireworks. Perhaps it is the experience accumulated from the primitive life style of human beings that making fireworks can not only cook food, but also make people further enhance their ability to resist natural disasters. At the same time, people also found that as long as a pile of fireworks in the wild or caves, people can enhance their sense of security, mainly because wolves, insects, tigers and leopards dare not get close. Based on this life experience, for thousands of years, people either in the wild, or in the courtyard, or in peacetime labor production, or in a specific festival to play fireworks to warm, eat, to expel wild animals, invade people and animals, and drive away gods and ghosts from the crowd. In the vast rural areas of Northern Shaanxi, on the day of the first month after the winter or Spring Festival, the farmers have the custom of setting off fireworks and burning pagodas for religious sacrifice. In general, on the 23rd and 15th day of the twelfth lunar month and the 15th day of the second Dragon Festival in February, dry and hard firewood, such as Gezhen, Caragana and thick branches, are used to make fireworks in their own courtyard. Some of them are called jumping fireworks to cause all kinds of diseases, some are baking quilts to eliminate bad luck, and some are burying some pasta steamed buns in the burning ashes. After worshiping all kinds of immortals, the family members divide the steamed buns and eat them to make them full Years of plenty of food and clothing, no disease. There is also a time for fireworks. When someone in a village or a neighbor's home dies of illness, people must make a pile of fireworks on the road sections and households along the way, which means to send the dead away, and the most important thing is to prevent the souls of the dead from entering the neighboring courtyards.

During the festival, there was no place to burn the Yangko in the north of Shaanxi. Fire carbon tower is different from ordinary firewood firework. It can burn for a long time. It can not only light but also warm. It is also an effective way to expel the invasion of ghosts and wolves, tigers and leopards in the wild.

There are many religious sacrificial ways for people in Northern Shaanxi to expel gods and ghosts. For example, in the past, restricted by harsh environment and fertility conditions, the survival rate of babies was not high. Witches and believers believed that ghosts and gods robbed the babies. In order to prevent ghosts and gods from taking the baby's life, people have created a variety of coping methods, which are very religious. Such as Yulin fugu, Shenmu a stone lion tied to the Kang. The lion is the king of beasts, so gods and ghosts dare not invade them. On the earth Kang at home, the local people tie the children's legs to the small stone lion fixed on the soil Kang, which can prevent the children from crawling and falling down from the Kang. More importantly, stone lions are used to deter demons and monsters from invading the children. Some people also put gold and silver locks on children's necks, shins and calves, bracelets and stumbling blocks, which are also used to prevent evil spirits from invading the body. There are also wild names for children, such as stone, Mao shovel, dog house and so on, which disgust ghosts and ghosts for peace. In the past, we really didn't understand how parents gave their children such ugly names. Later, we realized that it was for the sake of long-term care, wild name endurance, resilience and long-term survival.

3. Praying for rain

The Loess Plateau has been suffering from drought for decades. People living here for generations, in the face of the harsh natural environment, put their hopes on God that it will not rain and whether the crops have been harvested. Local people have the custom of building temples for the Dragon King. The religious beliefs of the common people in Northern Shaanxi are practical. Among the gods of heaven, earth and fire, they pay special attention to the worship of the Dragon King, the water god, in order to make the Dragon King give the folk good weather and ensure that the people of Li people have enough food and clothing. In the folk religious activities of worshiping the Dragon King, the most important one is to hold a rain praying ceremony according to the weather and drought of the year.

——Carry the Dragon King. The main purpose of carrying Dragon King is to pray for rain to moisten all things. In many northern Shaanxi folk songs, there are different versions of praying for rain. In recent years, he Guofeng, a famous singer in Northern Shaanxi, wrote a "praying for rain" tune, which provides a model for people from all over the world to understand the Loess Plateau and the natural living environment of people in Northern Shaanxi. If it doesn't rain for 40 days in the spring and summer half moon in the Northern Shaanxi plateau and watch the green seedlings in the field wither and dry up, for those who depend on the weather, the crops are drought in the fields, and people are anxious in their hearts. From what year and month, Taoists and some divine people around said that the Dragon King was very busy in the drought season and was invited to rain in other places. We must quickly organize people to bring the Dragon King back to rain. At this time, anxious farmers have what to do, as long as the weather can rain to do anything. Therefore, with the consent of most villagers, one day all the men in the village gathered in front of the Dragon King Temple, which is adjacent to the village. After a set procedure, the elite young people organized a team. Under the guidance of the God, they carried the building with the Dragon King memorial tablet and started to go up and down the mountain, across the river and over the hills to pray. After running and bumping like crazy, they finally put the The dragon king invited him back and worshipped it in the shed that had been built in the middle of the village. After the Dragon King is invited back, the villagers must offer pig heads and other good sacrifices, and then cry and report the local drought, in order to move the Dragon King to quickly send down the rain to save the villagers. At this time, all the villagers knelt down in front of the Dragon King's memorial tablet, and the leader began to sing and cry: "the drought is dry, the fire is on fire, the underground seedlings are drying, the Dragon King is saving the people, the breeze and drizzle are saving the people..." Maybe it's raining after many days of exposure. Maybe it's the true feelings of the villagers that moved the Dragon King. When people kneel on the ground and prayed, suddenly black clouds came from the West. Suddenly, the wind blew and thundered. With the pouring rain from the sky, villagers raised their hands and looked up to the sky and cried: "God has been revealed, Dragon King has rained; God has been revealed, Dragon King has rained It is... " Whether the rain is big or small, and the time is more or less, the drought problem has been solved for so many days. The villagers' dried up hearts have finally been watered with rain, and their wrinkled faces have finally shown a rare smile.

——Share the livestock. Dividing cattle is closely related to carrying Dragon King. If you want to ask for rain from the Dragon King, you should offer delicious food to the Dragon King. What is the best thing for the Dragon King in the rural areas of Northern Shaanxi? Only by killing pigs and sheep and offering the best food to the Dragon King, can we sincerely pray for rain. So on the eve of carrying the Dragon King to pray for rain, the officials in front of the village and in the back of the village discussed how to collectively kill one or two pigs according to the size of the villagers' population. In addition to offering pig heads to the Dragon King, the villagers also paid tribute to the Dragon King. Each family divided one or two catties of pork, also known as meat sharing, in order to improve the bitter life of no fleshy son since the new year. According to the research of folklorists, the significance of dividing livestock lies in the combination of respecting the Dragon King and benefiting the people's livelihood, which embodies the idea that heaven, earth, man and God are interlinked and that man and nature coexist harmoniously. There are many stories about sharing animals. Because the common people haven't eaten meat for half a year, they have to cut a small piece of rare meat from each family and give it to grandma and other mother's family. After the meat is ready, first give the earth God and Kitchen God a little respect, scoop out a little for the elderly, and then stir fry the pork and cabbage vermicelli together, or eat rice, or eat white flour, or add radish to make dumplings. The meat aroma brought by meat distribution seems to penetrate into the bone marrow of hungry villagers. Now we think of it as the most delicious food in the world.

——The dragon is sent by fou. In the arid natural environment of Northern Shaanxi, it will not rain for January and a half or even longer, or a rainstorm will push the crops in a mess. Drought is no good on the Loess Plateau, nor is there much rain. When we were children, we saw that there were often rainstorms in extreme weather in midsummer, especially when the crops were jointing and heading. When it was mixed with hail, the farmers' faces changed greatly. In panic, they quickly took metal utensils such as porcelain pots, earthen pots or kettles and pounded them hard. Looking up at the pouring rain all over the day and the dense hail the size of eggs, they yelled: "past, past Now, let's go... "Can the past pass? Maybe the extreme rainstorm weather is half an hour and forty minutes, or it may be that the farmers hit the metal pot and the dragon king heard it, so the heavy rain stopped suddenly, and the clouds opened and the sky was clear. The farmers ran out of the yard to the side of the street. The muddy mountains and waters on the opposite mountain were pouring down. After a while, some unknown people were shouting: "flood, flood, tighten up the livestock and human beings!" Before long, the water in the channel at the bottom of the ditch was getting bigger and bigger, and the mountain torrents roared forward like wild horses. With wooden eyes and expressions, the farmers looked at the surging flood at the bottom of the ditch In many places, the old peasants slumped on the ground and murmured: "there will be another famine this year."

4. Look at the mountain

Like worshipping gods, expelling ghosts and praying for rain, mountain watching is also one of the important contents of farming meteorological life in Northern Shaanxi. From the perspective of historical materialism, the view of agriculture and folk customs in Northern Shaanxi has its scientific and beneficial elements. For example, the traditional farming proverb "don't go out in the morning, travel thousands of miles in the evening." "There are clouds in the sky and rain on the ground." And so on, are the working people in the life practice summed up the method of observing the sky, observing the astronomical phenomena and measuring the age. However, there is another saying and practice in people's religious belief, which goes deep into people's thinking world and daily life. The immortals and Taoists with witchcraft and divinity in Northern Shaanxi have a set of ability to see mountains, which has a certain influence on the folk.

——Look at the mountain to measure the age. In Northern Shaanxi, on the eve of the new year's Eve (also known as the end of the moon), some people who know the "five elements" go to the mountains at midnight to observe the sky and predict the year. What is the scientific significance here? At the beginning of spring, people don't believe that they can measure the year by watching the astronomical phenomena. However, in the rural areas of Northern Shaanxi, there are always some people who are keen on observing the sky and measuring the images. There are also many people who believe that watching the starry sky at midnight can predict the harvest of that year. From ancient times to the present, people measure the future by observing the astronomical phenomena, such as whether it is safe to travel this year, whether the grassland is in good weather, whether there is good luck this year, and so on. Some of these famous sorcerers, Taoists and legal persons in a certain place come from their own clans and tribes, and some of them are high-ranking people specially invited from far away places to predict the future through divination and divination. We are familiar with the story of Zhuge Liang setting up an altar in the eastern Wu Kingdom and burning the red cliff with the help of the east wind in the romance of the Three Kingdoms. In Northern Shaanxi, farming is the main life. The villagers are most concerned about the harvest. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are keen on and believe in astronomical dating.

——Look at the mountain and choose the acupoints. When people are in danger of life and can't see clearly, they must find Mr. Yin and yang to look at the mountain and select the acupoints as soon as possible. In general, Mr. Yin and yang are invited to make a survey in the mountains where they live. Although most people don't know Yin and Yang eight trigrams and geomantic omen divination, from the perspective of contemporary natural science and humanities, there are several factors in choosing a cemetery: firstly, it is better to choose the place with mountains and water. This is the case in the sunny house, and so is the shady house. Back mountain and relying on water reflects the image of Chinese Confucian culture returning to nature and looking forward to the future. The second is the land with abundant sunshine and dense vegetation. Where there is sunshine, there is life; where there is vegetation, life is nourished. Life and death are connected, and the moment of death is the beginning of life. Although the previous people died, their descendants still have to live and develop. Choosing the cemetery of parents and relatives in the place illuminated by solar energy indicates the prosperity of the descendants. The third is to avoid the fork in the mountains and rivers. The highlands and gullies in Northern Shaanxi are connected. There are few hills and plains in the mountains. Most of the cemeteries are on the mountains. However, the premise is that the tombs should be built on the main ridge or hill, and the surrounding area should be far away from the mountain and Gequ as far as possible, so as to ensure the relatively stable and complete terrain around the cemetery, and also indicate the safety and stability of future generations.

The people of Northern Shaanxi carefully choose the graveyard, which reflects the cautious pursuit of the dead, respect for the virtuous and the elderly, so that they can return to the earth safely and integrate with the earth. Another way of saying is that the geomantic omen of the old people's cemetery directly affects the safety, prosperity and development of future generations, which is called the descendants of defuyin. Therefore, both the people and the people working in the government departments in Northern Shaanxi attach great importance to the selection and construction of old people's graves. If conditions permit, or those with high social status and spare time, their children will invite people to look at the mountain to select and build tombs when the elderly are healthy. The cemetery is large in scale, chic in shape, exquisite in materials and exquisite in stone work, which is often praised by people. This is the legacy of the Han people in the Yellow River Basin who attach great importance to the return of the dead to heaven and earth, especially the emperors and generals.

——Look at the place where the mountain is built. In Northern Shaanxi, it is of great significance to look at the mountain and repair the place. Restricted by the natural and geographical environment, most of the local buildings and kiln caves in Northern Shaanxi are built on the hillside of high loess slopes. If the selection is not proper, with the extension of time and climate change, there will often be major accidents such as landslides and cave burying. For this reason, people circle kiln repair place in Northern Shaanxi attaches great importance to. Generally speaking, the host family first looks at a place in general, and then asks Mr. Yin and yang to do a survey. Through Mr. Yin and Yang's on-site investigation, divination and divination, we can calculate whether the place is auspicious or not and whether it can move the earth. According to the current scientific building site selection requirements, no matter where a building is to be built, we should pay attention to the north and the south, face the sun, and be conducive to people's travel, production, life and healthy living. Based on these principles and requirements, people in Northern Shaanxi should grasp these principles when looking at the mountain repair place: first, it should be built on the hillside. If you live too low, you are prone to mountain torrents in summer. Second, it is necessary to not only back to the mountains, but also to build them in relatively flat sections as far as possible, so as to prevent the mountains from toppling. It is necessary to form a pattern of cave building from high to low, stacked layer by layer and gradually flattening. The third is to choose places in Yangmao, Yangwan, Yangjie and yanggelao, that is, the places where the sun can shine all the year round. If there is a sun, there will be life, and there should be warmth, which indicates the prosperity of the family and the safety of people and animals. Therefore, most of the people's repairing places in Northern Shaanxi are built where the sun can shine on the full moon and sky.

According to the Taoist of yin and Yang, the first thing to see if the mountain is empty is to look at the place where the mountain is built. If the mountain god lives or is not suitable to build here according to God's will, then no matter how good the terrain is, no one can disobey the will of the mountain god. It is often the case that the owner does not listen to the advice and has to build it here. In the process of construction, it is extremely disobedient, and there have been accidents such as landslides and injuries. After the repair of the place, people often hear the sound at night, which makes the adults dare not go out at night. Otherwise, the family is ill for three days and often can't be cured. At this time, if you have any questions, please have a look. As a result, the family was forced to move out of the newly built place and had to choose another place to live. Secondly, after choosing a good place, when to move the earth to cut down the underground palace, we should also ask God's will, choose a good day, a sunny day, and so on. The special geographical environment of the Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi determines that this must be done.

Social existence determines social consciousness. The nomadic and farming people in the Northern Shaanxi plateau, for generations, are inheriting the tradition of animal husbandry and farming, which is compatible with the heaven and earth, gods and ghosts. Geographical environment determines people's life style and spiritual belief. With the development of science and civilization, the religious belief culture of gods and ghosts in Northern Shaanxi still adapts to the existing productive forces and relations of production.? We should actively adapt to it and guide it through science. With the prosperity of science, the development of productive forces and the improvement of production relations, people can gradually get rid of the religious belief in the world of gods and ghosts.